Warrensburg CSD logo with winter elements

Both of our schools will have holiday-themed Spirit Weeks from Monday, December 18th to Thursday, December 21st. As a reminder, our Holiday Recess will begin on Friday, December 22nd so there is no school on the 22nd. Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 3rd.

You can see the themes for each day in the schedules listed below! We are excited to celebrate the holiday season with our school community!

Elementary School
Monday: Dress up as an elf, reindeer, or misfit toy 
Tuesday: Grinch/Whoville Day (Dress like the Grinch or a citizen of Whoville)
Wednesday: Holiday Festive (Holiday bling! Wear your favorite hats, headbands,  jewelry and attire)
Thursday: Long Winter Nap Movie Day (Wear your pajamas and enjoy a film!)

Jr./Sr. High School
Monday: Snow Day (Wear your favorite pajamas or snow gear)

Tuesday: Ugly Sweater Day (Wear your ugliest Christmas sweater)
Wednesday: Holiday Character Day (Dress up as any holiday character)
Thursday: Class Color Day

  • 7th Grade- Black (Coal)
  • 8th Grade- White (Snowflake)
  • 9th Grade-Gold (Yellow)
  • 10th Grade-Silver (Gray)
  • 11th Grade- Green
  • 12th Grade- Red