
Dear Warrensburg Central School District Community,

Providing a safe, healthy, and meaningful educational experience has
always been a top priority of the school administration and Board of
Education. Informed by the architectural team at CSArch, this capital
project is designed to address facility needs within all 4 of our school
buildings. The capital project outlined in this newsletter describes our
proposal to maximize health and safety and improve the educational
experience for all.

The capital project focuses on facility improvements that address
aging infrastructure, health and safety concerns, and educational
programming needs to better prepare students for future success. This
newsletter details the work being proposed in order to continue to
provide modernized learning environments that are healthy, safe, and
ensure the longevity of our buildings. For several years, the district
has prioritized long-term financial planning that can support a capital
project without burdening the taxpayers. Through a combination of
funds saved in the voter-approved capital reserve, project bonding that
aligns with past debt drop-off, and State Building Aid to cover a portion
of eligible project costs, we are happy to offer this capital project with
no tax impact.

The residents of our school district have supported capital projects
in the past. Please be sure to vote on Tuesday, October 25 from
7:00am - 8:00pm outside the Junior-Senior High School gymnasium. A
community forum will be held on Tuesday, October 11 at 7:00pm in the
Junior-Senior High School.


Amy Langworthy, Superintendent of Schools